Acupuncture Theta Waves For a Therapeutic Relaxation State
Need your hard drive defragged? Do you desperately need a vacation but do not have time? Dr. Barrett uses Acupuncture produced Theta Waves to treat many corporate executives who are busy just like you. Theta Waves are produced by the brain during meditation and produce deep states of relaxation. Most people practice years to perfect the Theta State relaxation technique. However, Dr. Barrett with his 20 years of experience can help you reach Theta in 10 minutes with Acupuncture. Not only do Theta Waves encourage healing, but they allow the access to the consciousness of your inner genius to restore clarity, cheer and focus needed to excel in todays world. Most people need a vacation to do this. Meanwhile, you can make an appointment with Dr. Barrett and make Theta Waves a regular part of your life!
Why wait? Call Now!
What You Need to Know About Acupuncture and East-West Medicine
East-West Medicine includes Acupuncture with a Functional Medicine Approach. Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and is supported by 2000 years of empirical clinical evidence in writing. Acupuncture is the most effective natural modality to naturally manipulate the central nervous system and improve health. Upon insertion, each acupuncture point will send a message to the central nervous system via the afferent nervous pathways. The effect may be to strengthen an organ function, relax a muscle, rejuvenate a nerve, stimulate a function, sedate a function, regulate blood circulation, and help the central nervous system to restore health without the use of pharmaceuticals and surgery. This process can offer self-sustained results and has been proven via functional MRI’s at the University of California, Irvine. Sometimes an electrical stimulator can be used for Percutaneous Electronic Nerve Stimulation (PENS). This technique is known as electro-acupuncture and is one of Dr. Barrett’s specialties. Electro-acupuncture is superior for injured muscles, stimulating circulation, treating infertility, fibroids and rejuvenating nerve and muscular function after a stroke, injury or surgery.
With a 2000-year evidence base, Acupuncture can be relied upon. After a treatment, patients feel relaxed and rejuvenated with partial or total relief of major symptoms. Acupuncture treatments may be combined with other forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine such as Diet and Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Physical Medicine, and Therapeutic Exercises for a truly functional approach. Many patients enjoy monthly treatments as part of Dr. Barrett’s Wellness Track™.
Dr. Barrett's Comprehensive Functional Approach
Being a Primary Care Physician with over 20 years clinical experience, having trained in China and the U.S., and over 15 years on staff at Cedars Sinai, Dr. Barrett specializes in complex medical conditions. With his Comprehensive Functional Approach to East-West Medicine that is supported by over 2,000 years of empirical, clinical evidence in writing and the advantages of modern scientific research, he is prepared to provide you with state-of-the-art treatments that are safe, natural, and self-sustaining. Dr. Barrett will dedicate as much time as necessary to review with you, face to face, your complete medical history, all current medical concerns, a comprehensive treatment plan in terms of both Eastern and Western Medicine, and a self-sustainable Wellness Track™.
Dr Barrett’s Comprehensive Functional Approach to East-West Medicine treats your condition and the factors that caused your condition. One advantage to Dr. Barrett’s approach is his skill developed in Traditional Diagnostic Methods based on Observation, Inquiry, and Palpation that many times can provide more clinical data than weeks of lab testing. This allows same day diagnosis and treatments that can at times provide cures before lab data can be obtained. Dr. Barrett offers comprehensive Acupuncture treatments with a functional medical approach for increased effectiveness. Dr. Barrett may offer you a custom herbal formula based on the wisdom and 2,000 years of written clinical evidence of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr. Barrett will discuss diet & nutrition and how to use food as medicine. Based on his recently published book, Caveman Bodies in a Corporate Jungle, he will mentor you on managing demands of your career, family life, lifestyle, workstyle, and how to maintain a positive attitude. If necessary, he will discuss the benefits of genome medicine and Western forms of functional medicine.
Dr. Barrett performs annual physicals, orders blood tests, lab tests, DNA profiles, ultrasounds, x-rays, and MRIs. With his office in the Century City Medical Plaza and being on staff at Cedars Sinai, his referral network includes some of the best physicians in Los Angeles. Dr. Barrett understands western pharmaceuticals and their compatibility with herbal medicines. He can explain the nature of your disease through the eyes of both Western Medicine and Eastern Medicine. Whether you suffer from a serious disease, pain, or are simply trying to become pregnant, he can help. Seeing Dr. John Barrett means state of the art treatments and a most comprehensive functional approach to East-West Medicine.
Your Sustainable Wellness Track™
Even the best and the brightest can use guidance in achieving and maintaining new levels of wellness. After treating your high priority health issues, Dr. Barrett recommends staying well with a personalized Wellness Track™ to address other health conditions. This could mean improving digestion, sleep, relaxation, skin, vision, weight-loss, etc.
A Wellness Track™ carves out time for self-nourishment and time management to address your health and wellness. A Wellness Track™ with Dr. Barrett will tap into the wisdom of his 35 years of global corporate and medical experience for mentoring. coaching, and motivating for lifestyle and work-style improvements. Given Dr. Barrett’s unique background, you can be sure his words of advice are from real life experiences and not a training manual or theoretical concepts.
A Wellness Track™ means a better quality life with longevity. A Wellness Track can be as simple as one office visit a month for a health check, wellness goal setting, bench marking achievements, self-care instructions to achieve goals, and an optional wellness treatment or wellness herb formula. A Wellness Track™ means staying on top of your game and achieving the most in life.
Need to Know More About Acupuncture and East-West Medicine?
For more information regarding Acupuncture and East-West Medicine see the Frequently Asked Questions or simply take advantage of Dr. Barrett’s FREE telephone consult. Dr. Barrett specializes in difficult cases and would be happy t0 help guide you to the best care possible.
FREE BOOK GIFT For New Patients
Caveman Bodies in a Corporate Jungle: How to Stay Healthy While Excelling in a Work Environment
By Dr. John Barrett
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• Hours: 11AM to 7PM M-Th; 11AM to 5PM Fri
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