Individual Wellness
What You Need to Know About Your Individual Wellness vs. Corporate Wellness
Individual vs. Corporate Wellness & Consulting
Wellness is when you are enjoying life in a self sustainable manner with the ability and resources to absorb, process, and grow from life’s challenges and emotional ups and downs. The best way to achieve wellness is with the lifestyle and workstyle best practices as discussed in my recently published book, Caveman Bodies in a Corporate Jungle: How to stay healthy while excelling in a work environment. These best practices allow you to avoid emotional extremes that can interrupt homeostasis or an optimally functioning central nervous system.
Although you are ultimately responsible for maintaining your individual state of wellness, it helps to be surrounded by an environment where the process is welcomed and supported. Therefore, wellness can be divided into two categories, individual wellness and corporate wellness. One thrives upon the other. Caveman Bodies in a Corporate Jungle offers a framework to build and sustain both Individual Wellness and Corporate Wellness. Dr. Barrett’s 35 years combined experience in corporate life and as a medical practitioner, qualify him as the ultimate Consultant to help you implement the program best for you and/or your organization.
What Does an Optimally Functioning Central Nervous System Do?
An optimally functioning central nervous system makes sure all your bodily functions are working as they should in order to maintain optimal health. Optimal health supports Wellness. Optimal health and wellness not only mean optimally performing physical functions of tendons, tissues, bones, nerves, and organs, but optimally functioning cognitive skills, mental focus, resilience to stressful events, creativity, and intuition. An optimally functioning central nervous system means being more focused, present in the moment, having a higher threshold for stress, endhanced creativity and an engaged inner genius providing the ability to be proactive in avoiding stress, solving problems, and maintaining wellness.
How Can You Start Your Own Individual Wellness Plan?
You can start your own wellness plan by purchasing my recently published book: Caveman Bodies in a Corporate Jungle: How to Stay Healthy While Excelling in a Work Environment, and putting the concepts into practice. You will not only gain insights on processing emotions, self-nurturement, and diet, but you will be shown how to develop skills such as time management, communication and teamwork, work space efficiency, cognitive skills, improved memory, cultivating passion, managing change and maintaining a positive and winning attitude to further sustain a balanced sense of wellness. This process can be hugely rewarding and open up many doors to enjoying life in many more ways than you ever thought possible.
However, along the way you may wish to enhance a function of your health in order to help you better enjoy your life’s journey and reach your ultimate life design and wellness. For example, you may wish to eliminate the need for a prescription drug, drop a few pounds, strengthen vision to avoid reading glasses or contact lenses, improve digestion, sleep better, improve skin tone, and hair thickness. Guys may wish to enhance Erectile Function. Women may wish to finally say good buy to PMS or avoid hot flashes and other peri-menopause symptoms. The opportunities are endless. In order to address these areas for enhanced wellness Dr. Barrett has devised the concept of a Wellness Track™.
What is Dr. Barrett's Wellness Track™?
A Wellness Track™ is where you set wellness goals and a time frame to achieve them. A Wellness Track™ is a form of life design. A Wellness Track™ includes a consultation with Dr Barrett where all aspects of your health are reviewed and options for enhancement are discussed. Next, a plan will be designed and a time frame defined for achieving any enhancements. Dr. Barrett will not only provide medical advise, but coaching to keep your confidence and the psychological strength needed to achieve new heights of wellness. The process of an individual Wellness Track™ can be customized to accommodate your lifestyle and time schedule. A Wellness Track™ will assure your health is optimized, your youth preserved, and your opportunities to enjoy and grow through life meet your expectations.
What Are Some Realistic Goals with a Wellness Track™?
Some wellness enhancements can be achieved synergistically, while others may need specific attention. For example, the goals of achieving more energy, better digestion and weight management can be part of the same plan. However, if you wish to improve your vision this would be something specific and require specific attention. Thus, your wellness track may include a three-month plan for weight loss and digestion, followed by another three-month plan for vision. While the weight loss track may only require monthly visits for weight checks, a custom herb formula and coaching to overcome psychologically addictive behavior, the vision track may be more intensive with an acupuncture protocol, custom designed herbal formulae, and eye exercises to be done daily on your own.
Keep in mind, part of a Wellness Track™ goal may be to enhance your job performance, resolve workplace conflicts, change jobs or even change careers. Dr Barrett’s corporate consulting background has the depth and level of experience to coach you through such a potentially difficult to navigate path for he has lived it. You can greatly benefit from his years of experience and pearls of wisdom.

FREE BOOK GIFT For New Patients
Caveman Bodies in a Corporate Jungle: How to Stay Healthy While Excelling in a Work Environment
By Dr. John Barrett
Start Your Wellness Track™ Today!
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