Acupuncture and East-West Medicine is the ONLY Medicine With 2,000 Years of Empirical Clinical Evidence in Writing
Although Acupuncture and East-West Medicine is the ONLY medicine with 2,000 years of empirical clinical evidence in writing, our modern day mentality treats it like any other “new” medicine. Over the last century we have evolved from herbal and natural medicine to pharmaceutical chemical compounds and scientific surgical procedures back to herbal and natural medicine. However, today we have the best of both worlds. None the less, our current insurance and billing mentality says a clinical trial must be performed to “prove” something works and every year more and more clinical trials are performed only to support what we already know from the masters in ancient text books. The fact that Acupuncture and East-West Medicine is natural, safe and effective is not as amazing as the fact that it was discovered thousands of years ago.
Before scanning the links below you may find it helpful to use the search tool above to search this site for clinical trials to support your condition.
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Clinical Trials Supported by the World Health Organization
Click on this link for Clinical Trials for Acupuncture and East-West Medicine supported by the World Health Organization.
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Clinical Trials Supported by the National Institute of Health
Click on this link for Clinical Trials for Acupuncture and East-West Medicine supported by the National Institute of Health.
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Clinical Trials Supported by the Healthcare Medicine Institute
Click on this link for Clinical Trials for Acupuncture and East-West Medicine supported by the Healthcare Medicine Institute.
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Need More Clinical Trials for Acupuncture and East-West Medicine?
Dr. Barrett specializes in difficult cases. If you have questions regarding your condition please take advantage of Dr. Barrett’s free telephone consultation. He will be happy to guide you to the best care possible.
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FREE BOOK GIFT For New Patients
Caveman Bodies in a Corporate Jungle: How to Stay Healthy While Excelling in a Work Environment
By Dr. John Barrett
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