Why Treating TMJ/TMD with Acupuncture and East-West Medicine is 90% Successful
Treating TMJ/TMD with Acupuncture and East-West Functional Medicine means state of the art treatments that take advantage of both Western Scientific Advances and the Safe, Effective, Natural, and Self-Sustaining, Functional Approach of Eastern Medicine. Eastern Functional Medicine includes Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine and is the only medicine in the world backed by 2,000 years of Written, Empirical Clinical Evidence to treat TMJ/TMD. Recent clinical trials demonstrate the approach to be 90% effective in treating TMJ/TMD.
TMJ/TMD refers to pain in the temporomandibular joint of the jaw. The pain can be caused by several factors leading to inflammation and painful dysfunction of the jaw that can deteriorate your quality of life. Stress typically leads to clenching of the jaw and grinding of the teeth. This then leads to hypertonic TMJ muscles resulting in poor circulation and swelling with inflammation and arthritis in the joint. Not only will these conditions inhibit your ability to eat, sleep, and focus, they can further contribute to migraine headaches and tinnitus.
Although there are many expensive and elaborate solutions including surgery to relieve TMJ/TMD pain, Acupuncture and East-West functional medicine offer a simple, natural, and self-sustainable solution backed by the wisdom of thousands of years of clinical success.
Although genetics, jaw alignment, and injuries can contribute to TMJ/TMD pain, most times after muscles are relaxed, inflammation resolved and arthritic conditions cease, these issues become irrelevant. Dr. Barrett will then teach you how to sustain healthy TMJ tissue and restore your quality of life. See more information below under Dr. Barrett’s Comprehensive Approach. Given the efficacy of treatments many patients have success with Dr. Barrett even after they have tried everything else.
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Patient Testimonials For TMJ/TMD
Monika Y: “I had severe TMJ pain. I couldn’t eat or talk and B-t-x did not help. I was afraid it was turning chronic and maybe there was bone damage. After one treatment the pain and discomfort and locked jaw all went away. Have recommended Dr. Barret to friends and family who also experience TMJ pain.”
Google User: “Seeing Dr. Barrett has been nothing short of life-changing. I seldom write reviews but felt compelled to write one on my experiences with Dr. Barrett and his staff in the event that my situation can help even one person out there that feels as hopeless in feeling better, achieving mental lucidity, becoming pain-free and exponentially increasing the quality of their life and the state of their being.
I am 28 years old. I was dealing with eczema, acne, rosacea (brought on by a sluggish digestion and subsequent inflammation. Dermatologist wanted to put me on antibiotics), excessive sweating, crippling social anxiety (in part due to how bad my skin had become), panic attacks, horrific PMDD, very heavy periods and recent baseline panel blood test done by my OBGYN had shown that my hormones were completely out of whack. In addition to this, my TMJ had flared up. I was waking up every morning feeling sluggish, depressed and beat up. Stress had gotten the best of me; I had tried everything. I was spending hours every week researching my symptoms and what the best and most natural approach to take could be. I exercise daily, eat only whole, healthy, organic foods and seemed to be doing everything (including wasting a great deal of money and time on natural supplements that would only prove to work for a week or so until the symptoms returned) it was maddening. My doctor had recommended that I go on the pill and get on anti-depressants immediately. This was the last thing I wanted to do, as I knew that there must be a more natural way to get out of this state. I didn’t know where to turn. I had become a shell of who I used to be and was so frustrated, not being able to pin point the problem. Life had just lost its luster and it got to the point where I felt like a prisoner to the ailments I was experiencing.
In the middle of the night, I woke up, unable to sleep from the TMJ. I stared google searching and read an article on the benefits of acupuncture. I thought “Why not? This is about the only thing that I haven’t tried.” That next morning, I did a google search of acupuncturists in Los Angeles. Dr. Barrett’s office was the furthest away from where I lived, but after reading his other reviews and going through his very thorough website coupled with the warm reception I received from his secretary, Orit, on the phone, I knew I had found the right place. Orit not only exhibited a great deal of tact and kindness, but I could tell that she actually cared and took the time to listen when every other place I had called was extremely dismissive, monotone and just wanted to book an appointment and get off the phone. Orit explained to me that I would be emailed paperwork to fill out and to email it back to their office the day prior to my appointment (which they were able to book right away).
I got to my appointment and was greeted with a smile and the same genuine kindness by Orit that was displayed in the phone; I was taken back right away. Dr. Barrett came in shortly thereafter and I will start off right away by saying that beyond being extraordinarily kind, wise, accredited and patient, Dr. Barrett is the ONLY medical professional I have ever seen that actually took the time to listen to every last thing that I had to say. I could tell right away that he had really read and studied my paperwork and became familiar with what I had been experiencing. I could tell that he really cared; from the concern in his tone to the questions he asked; most importantly, I could tell that that he really loves what he does. When he told me that he could help, I have to admit although I wanted to be skeptical, I knew deep down that I had come to the right place and for the first time had hope for seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.
Three months later and my skin is GLOWING, eczema is completely gone, TMJ has drastically decreased as well as the pain it was causing, anxiety is a thing of the past, digestion has improved (by the fact that I can now eat a small snack and not uncomfortably bloat and belch). I recently got another baseline panel blood test for my hormones and my doctor could not believe the results: all of my levels had normalized; my progesterone levels had been restored, estrogen was back down. My PMDD is GONE. I can’t believe how close I was to almost giving up and surrendering to the misery I was experiencing before seeing Dr. Barrett.
I never thought that I could feel this good again.
The absolute best gift I could give anyone is a referral to Dr. Barrett. I have referred not only my own family members, but numerous friends and co-workers to his office (for everything from weight loss, to pain, to acne, to fertility) and have never heard anything other than how wonderful Dr. Barrett and his staff are, how amazing Dr. Barrett is as what he does, how much he has helped them and how they will never find a way to adequately thank me for the referral.”
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Clinical Trials Treating TMJ/TMD
Acupuncture 90% Effective Treating TMJ/TMD
Reference: Noiman, M., Garty, A., Mamon, Y., Miller, U., Lev-Ari, S., Acupuncture for Treating Temporomandibular Disorder: Retrospective Study on Safety and Efficacy, Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, 2010, 3(4), 260-266
Acupuncture 85% Effective Treating TMJ/TMD with Improvement of Symptoms Lasting 18-20 Years
Reference: Goldstein, L., Gilbert, S., Acupuncture: New Approach for Temporomandibular Disorders, Practical Pain Management, 2016, 16 (2)
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Dr. Barrett's Comprehensive Functional Approach
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Your Sustainable Wellness Track™
Even the best and the brightest can use guidance in achieving and maintaining new levels of wellness. After treating your high priority health issues, Dr. Barrett recommends staying well with a personalized Wellness Track™ to address other health conditions. This could mean improving digestion, sleep, relaxation, skin, vision, weight-loss, etc.
A Wellness Track™ carves out time for self-nourishment and time management to address your health and wellness. A Wellness Track™ with Dr. Barrett will tap into the wisdom of his 35 years of global corporate and medical experience for mentoring. coaching, and motivating for lifestyle and work-style improvements. Given Dr. Barrett’s unique background, you can be sure his words of advice are from real life experiences and not a training manual or theoretical concepts.
A Wellness Track™ means a better quality life with longevity. A Wellness Track can be as simple as one office visit a month for a health check, wellness goal setting, bench marking achievements, self-care instructions to achieve goals, and an optional wellness treatment or wellness herb formula. A Wellness Track™ means staying on top of your game and achieving the most in life.
Why Wait? Call My Friendly Staff and Make Your Appointment Today.
Have Specific Questions About Your TMJ/TMD?
Dr. Barrett specializes in difficult cases. If you have any questions regarding your specific condition, use the links below to take advantage of Dr. Barrett’s FREE telephone consultaion. He will be happy to answer any questions and help guide you to the best care possible.
FREE BOOK GIFT For New Patients
Caveman Bodies in a Corporate Jungle: How to Stay Healthy While Excelling in a Work Environment
By Dr. John Barrett
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