In Part 1 of this series I mentioned that the most frequently asked question at The Acupuncture Wellness Center is how does acupuncture work? I further mentioned that the answer depends on what you are treating and that acupuncture needles do one of the following:
1. Acupuncture needles affect the muscles and tissue that need treating directly.
2. Acupuncture needles promote or inhibit specific functions of the central nervous system.
In the case of acupuncture promoting weight loss some needles will be inserted directly on areas of where adipose (fat) tissue has over accumulated as this will increase blood circulation via a histamine reaction as explained in Part 1 of this series. Studies show that the increased circulation will increase the process of metabolizing or burning fat in the targeted areas. For women the most frequently targeted areas for burning fat are the:
- Gluteal fold
- Thighs
- Hips
- Abdomen and
- Upper arms
For men the most frequently targeted area for burning fat is the abdomen. The process of targeting fat metabolism can also be accentuated with other processes such as a negative pressure therapy called cupping.
Since obesity or simply being over weight is often associated with an excessive appetite caused by stress and anxiety, other acupuncture needles will be placed strategically to relax the central nervous system taking it out of the stress mode and putting it into the mode of optimal homeostasis. This allows the central nervous system to reallocate its focus from dealing with stress to optimizing metabolism, digestion and overall health. This increased state of well being helps decrease the appetite and promote healthy and permanent weight loss in the areas you need it.
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